24 July 2017

music touches their souls

"Music is an outburst of the soul."  --Frederick Delius

If Frederick Delius can express his love for music as an "outburst of the soul," I wonder what language children would choose to describe how music affects them.  Even with limited ability to self-reflect in younger childhood, kids are still able to use language to express their enjoyment of music.  When I listen to certain songs from childhood, I often find myself unable to even sing the words because the emotional attachment to the music is so strong and moving.  Music can be a healing balm to our souls.  

And I personally believe this is true with children.  Just like full grown adults, children are multidimensional beings with the ability to experience deep feelings related to symphonic sounds, even if they are unable to put words to those feelings--yet.  Let's remember to listen to various types of music with our children and to not only engage them on what they are hearing, but to ask what feelings may arise or pictures they might be seeing in their mind's eye as a result.  Children may not be as emotionally and intellectually developed as adults; but they are still soulful beings with the ability to feel and experience life, even music, in a deep and profound way.

May our souls experience many outbursts today!

photo credit: Philippe Put dora dora 2 via photopin (license)

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